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PresMUN 2016

PresMUN 2016

RADARKAMPUS.COM, Cikarang - [PresMUN 2016], Good day, Delegates!, Introducing the grand theme of PresMUN 2016:

"Enhancing World's Stability and International Security by Eradicating Global Threats"

We open 6 Chambers of Committees :
Countering the Potential Threat of Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism
Cyber Warfare: Combating the Virtual Threat and National Security

The Oil and Natural Gas Crisis and Its Impact to the Global Economy
Minimizing Land Exploitation and Sustaining Development

North Korean Weapon of Mass Destruction Activities

The Ukrainian Crisis

Crisis Committee
Red Planet Odyssey: The Survival of Mankind

Press Corps
A new council that will bring a fresh breeze to the flow of President Model United Nations experience. This council will attract new delegates who are interested in journalism, editorial, and article making. Press delegates will move from one chamber to another to listen, compose, interview, and produce an article also reporting what is actually happening in each council’s chamber. They will represent international news media such as BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Sky News, African Daily, and other news media all around the world. They will be responsible for the publishment of daily news letter of council’s progress to President Model United Nations website.

September 14th - 17th 2016 at Hotel Sahid Jaya Lippo Cikarang.

More information about the event, please visit our website presidentmun.com

Follow our Social Media accounts and keep updated!
Twitter: @PresMUN
Instagram: presidentmodelun

Futher information, kindly ask to contact person below :
  • Echa Primadini (085382927078/elprimadini (line)
  • Gabriela Rachel (087889073995/gabzrachel(line))
  • Muhammad Haekal Umri (081283282387/haekalkun(line))

PresMUN 2016
Investing to Innovate, Facing the New Age

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